Although traditional techniques for printing are now outdated, a few are still used. The letterpress method is still widely used in printing today alongside laser printing. Though they are still used often, there are still a bunch of cons to argue against the use of them. Printing requires many resources in order to be complete and this is where the problems begin. As we continue with our lives, creating new technologies and such they all derive from a main power source which is in fact fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are what’s used to make the ink that is used for printing and there is a limited supply of it. This is a problem as our society is run by things powered by these no renewable fuels and so is printing. Another major factor concerning printing is that the paper used has to come from somewhere and so it comes from the many trees that are cut down in order for paper to be made. This is a big environmental issue that has been of concern for some time.
While digital publishing has grown considerably more popular, it has started to push these methods more and more out of use. One of the reasons for this is the fact that publishing things online doesn’t need any paper or ink as it’s all done digitally. This also helps save money as you’re not needing paper or ink at all. Digital publishing has gotten increasingly more popular as publishing content online only takes a minute and is there within an instant for the public to see. Also where as a printed paper is only available for the people that are near places to which the paper is distributed, posting a paper online opens it up to absolutely anyone in the world. Also if a mistake is made, the creator can easily edit it and correct the mistakes made. One con is that maybe not everyone owns a computer or a means of connecting to the internet and won’t be able to see the content. Although someone they know may have a smart phone or a way to connect. Portability is another pro as it means that you can access the content from inside, outside and pretty much anywhere.
A well written comparison with a compelling argument about the environment- although you've oversimplified a little. You could be clearer about the immediacy of digitally published products- and the fact they can be so quickly and easily updated..this is hinted at but not made explicit.